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oxford county ontario thai  massage


What is a Thai massage?

A Thai massage is a traditional form of massage that has existed for over 2500 years. It is related to Indian Ayurveda style massage and is administered using the fingers, palms, elbows, feet, and knees of the masseuse.

Thai massage is a full-body experience, starting from your toes and ending at the top of your head. This often includes shiatsu and body stretching to better work on your body energy line and unblock your CHI.

What are the benefits of Thai massage?

1, Increases flexibility.

2, Relax and rejuvenates your body and brain.

3, Release stress.

4, Improves sleep.

5, Decreases headache pain and frequency.

6, Encourages deep breathing.

7, Helps balance autonomic nerves.

8, Improves mood by increasing the feeling of happiness, releasing anger, and encouraging positive thinking.

    And so on!

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